A poem.

AUGUST 22, 2024


I felt a bit odd and I needed advice.

Some answers, some tips – I thought that would be nice.


A therapist seemed like a good place to start.

She said, ‘I can see that you’re heavy of heart.’


I guess she was right but it did me no good:

I still wasn’t feeling the way that I should.


I went to a baker, she said, ‘Have a scone.’

I went to the bank, it said, ‘Take out a loan!’


The doctor said, ‘Hm, what you need is some sun.’

The jogger said, ‘Have you tried going for a run?’


The nun said to pray and the trainer to train,

The stylist, she said, ‘You’re just too plain a Jane!’


My book said, ‘Remember, one day you’ll be dead.’

My sister said, ‘Why not try gluten-free bread?’


I just wasn’t feeling much better deep down.

I kept trying to smile but it looked like a frown.


I asked an investor and he said, ‘Invest!’

I couldn’t be bothered to ask all the rest.


I still felt quite odd, though I tried not to show it.

I’d sat on a log when along came a poet.


She gave me a pen and she told me to write.

So that’s what I did. Now I’m feeling alright.

Ingvild H. Rishøi (Tr. Caroline Waight)

INGVILD H. RISHØI has written three children's books, three collections of short stories and the novel Brightly Shining.

CAROLINE WAIGHT is an award-winning literary translator working from Danish, German and Norwegian.




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