
The Treachery of Translation
Three novels explore the idea of translators as traitors to themselves.

The Survival of Tâi-gí
A new generation of activists revives interest in a native language as Taiwan seeks distance from China.

The Promise of Duolingo
The language-learning app won’t make you fluent, but maybe that’s not the point.

Can a Comma Solve a Crime?
How forensic linguists use grammar, syntax and vocabulary to help crack cold cases.

Stories from the Kurdistan Region
A conversation with Winthrop Rodgers, whose article on efforts to preserve Yazidi oral storytelling was published in our Language issue.

In Loving Memory: Soldado Tenso Conserbado (1898-1976)
“Conserbado believed that everything he wrote was God’s gift to mankind.”

AI Won’t Protect Endangered Languages
Combinations of characters on a screen mean nothing without agency and intention.

Saving Yazidi Song
In the face of genocide, displacement and technology, a new project hopes to preserve an oral storytelling tradition from Iraq’s Kurdistan Region.

Death in Grammar
“Oh, how I admire the capacity of the Spanish language to express uncertainty so precisely!”

‘I Don’t Know What They’ll Do With Us’
For immigrants from Latin America in New York, Donald Trump’s victory ignites anxiety.

Hello To All That
What returning to New York after 12 years in Istanbul taught me about America.

How the Biden Administration Failed El Salvador
The Salvadoran president wanted the U.S. off his back. He got his wish.

“They Are Liars”
Israel’s attacks in Beirut, and American complicity in them, has confirmed for many Lebanese how little they matter to the United States.

Empire as Province: On Teaching American Studies in Amsterdam
The strategy, counterintuitive though it may seem, is to cultivate an America-fatigue in the classroom.

Cambodia’s Billion Dollar Scam
Thousands of people have been trafficked into the country to work in cyber scamming compounds built with Chinese money. Now they’re stuck there.