
Empire as Province: On Teaching American Studies in Amsterdam
The strategy, counterintuitive though it may seem, is to cultivate an America-fatigue in the classroom.

Bankers! Listen to Your Medieval Forebears
With every new crisis, the animosity towards financiers grows. History offers sage advice.

Translating “The Case of Cem”
A conversation with Angela Rodel, whose translation of the 1967 novel was excerpted in our Order issue.

The Case of Cem
“I cannot be a witness to what happened after May 5, 1481. They killed me at five o’clock in the evening.”

Yugoslavia’s Digital Twin
What happens when a country's internet domain outlives the nation?

South Korea’s Forgotten Anti-Communist Killings
Seventy-five years after the Jeju Island massacres, descendants of the dead sue for justice.

Undoing the Alhambra Decree
Is Spain’s citizenship program for Sephardic Jews the best way to right past wrongs?

The Benthic Battlefield
1.8 million tons of unexploded ordnance lies on the North Sea floor.

What Happened at Wassenaar?
As calls for reparations gain momentum, public attention has turned back to the 1952 German-Israeli Holocaust negotiations.

Skeletons from Kilimanjaro
East African families seek to reclaim the remains of their ancestors from German colonial collections.