
The Dark World of Deepfaked Debt
India’s online loan sharks are blackmailing borrowers with fake images.

Lamia Ziadé on How Illustrating Can Elevate Storytelling
A conversation with the Lebanese writer and illustrator, whose work on the 2020 explosion in Beirut was featured in our Shipwrecks issue.

Karachi 2060
The road to the city of the future: evictions, demolitions and land reclamation.

Riding the Train With the KlimaSeniorinnen
The group of older Swiss women fighting against heat waves.

The Law of the Sea
Down in the deep, the legal distinction between land and sea no longer holds.

The Benthic Battlefield
1.8 million tons of unexploded ordnance lies on the North Sea floor.

What Happened at Wassenaar?
As calls for reparations gain momentum, public attention has turned back to the 1952 German-Israeli Holocaust negotiations.

Brazil After Bolsonaro
After the insurrection, the nation’s Republicano lawmakers are distancing themselves from the former president—and looking for their next leader.

Cleaning Up the Insurrection
The art restorers putting the Brazilian Senate building back together.

The Aftermath of South Africa’s Reparations Program and Her Reporting Process
A conversation with the South Africa-based writer and reporter, whose revealing piece on the dispossession of the Cape Town neighborhood of District Six was published in our Reparation Issue.